The Journey Begins Here

Wild Adventures Await

Hey there, hi!

I’m Petra and I am fortunate to live in Central Virginia, the gateway to Blue Ridge Parkway and Shenandoah National Park, with my partner and our two dogs Zina and Ringo.

There is no shortage of trails and camping areas in our region and they have become my playground. This is where I go and find introspection and solve the problems of the world. As a creative freedom coach and artist, nature fuels my inspiration and is my time away from a world that is so consumed with unnecessary noise.

I am committed to staying healthy and having fun doing it because honestly, a heart attack at 49 doesn’t sound like a good time to me. I like a challenge and know from my life experience I have the tenacity and grit to face the boulders along the trails.

And perhaps you will join me in this Adventure.


Artist, Creativity Coach, Freedom Seeker

Let’s be Friends

This is the spot where most people give you something for free in return for your email.

I’ll just say that if you’re a fan (or want to become a fan) of Ridge Raven, enter your name and email below and I promise you won’t regret it (but if you do, you can always unsubscribe and send me over some hate mail).

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