Welcome to Ridge Raven’s Field Notes!

Now you can relax as stories, advice, trip reports, and some (un)popular opinions from around the proverbial backyard make their way to your inbox.

If you haven’t already, you will soon receive a welcome via email. If you don’t receive this email, make sure it hasn’t gone to spam, and make sure you’ve white-listed hello@ridgeraven.com by adding this email to your Address Book or Contact list!

Let’s Be Friends

It can take me a long time to post long-form articles or trip reports.

However, if you follow me on Instagram, I post more in real-time and I am also kicking off a YouTube Channel of course, if you like TikTok you can find me there as well!

Done All That?

Head to the blog and dig through to archives for inspiration for your next adventure. Feel free to ask questions, comment on posts, or get in touch with me directly via the contact page – I love hearing from readers!

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