The Beauty of Blackrock Summit

I came across Blackrock Summit on a previous hike and wanted to approach this from a different angle. And since my dog Zina isn’t quite ready for the longer hikes this made it a good choice to visit it again. The trail itself isn’t too challenging and makes this a fairly easy trail.

Trail Overview

Located in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia, Black Rock Summit offers a moderate hiking experience with rewarding views.

The trail is approximately 1 mile long, making it easy enough for hikers of skill levels. With its well-maintained paths and moderate elevation gain, it’s a great option for families or those looking for a leisurely hike with beautiful vistas.

The summit provides stunning views of the surrounding Blue Ridge Mountains, making it a popular spot for both locals and visitors alike.

Trailhead and Access

The trailhead for Black Rock Summit is conveniently located off Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia. Accessible from the Skyline Drive, visitors can easily find the trailhead near mile marker 85.5.

Ample parking is available at the trailhead, making it easily accessible for hikers. From there, a well-marked path leads to the summit rewarding you with views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Scenery and Points of Interest

Black Rock Summit treats hikers to a stunning scenery. As you walk through lushforests and surrounded by wildlife, it is quite the peaceful filled setting. When you get to the summit, you’re rewarded with sweeping panoramic views of the Shenandoah Valley and the majestic Blue Ridge Mountains stretching into the distance.

The summit itself is surrounded by colossal and fascinating rock formations, perfect for exploration and photography. Keep an eye out for unique geological features and colorful flora dotting the landscape, adding to the charm of this scenic hike.

Hiking Tips and Recommendation

As with any outdoor adventure, preparation is key even if the hike is only a mile.

  • Footwear: Sturdy hiking shoes or boots with good traction are recommended for the trail, which may have uneven terrain.
  • Water and Snacks: Carry ample water to stay hydrated, especially during warmer months. Pack some energizing snacks to refuel along the way.
  • Weather Awareness: Shenandoah’s weather can change rapidly, so it’s wise to dress in layers and check the forecast beforehand.
  • Leave No Trace: Preserve the sanctity of this natural wonder by adhering to the principles of Leave No Trace. Respect the environment and leave it undisturbed for others to enjoy.
Zina and I at Black Rocks Summut

My experience

Blackrock Summit was one of the shorter hikes I have done but I am always in awe of the rock formations. I didn’t climb the rocks as you will often see other people do as I had Zina along for the hike.

Have you gone to Blackrock Summit before?

German by birth, living, hiking, and camping in the US. Addicted to Coffee. Enjoys going to concerts. Also, Artist + Author. I love to encourage you to explore beyond your backyard. 

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