The Humpback Rocks Trail

The Humpback Rocks Trail is quite a popular hiking spot for people, and I decided to go early on a Thursday. So if after reading this post you think you would want to do this trail, then I suggest getting there early even if you’re heading out during the week!

The Humpback Rocks Trail

Trail Overview

Located along the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia, Humpback Rocks is moderately difficult, with a few steep inclines. It is suitable for both experienced hikers and adventurous beginners but you will experience quite the workout on this short trail.

Stretching approximately 1.0 miles (round trip), this trail provides a rewarding experience with stunning views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding peaks.

Trailhead and Access

The trailhead for Humpback Rocks is located at milepost 5.8 on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia. Parking is available near the trailhead, but because it is so popular the parking lot will often be in overflow mode. If necessary, you can park by the Visitor’s center and walk through the Mountain Farm to get to the trailhead. It’s nicely marked and has a Trail Kiosk with information for you as there are several ways to get to the summit.

When heading out onto Humpback Rocks, plan for approximately one hour to reach Humpback Rocks, two hours to Humpback Mountain, and four hours to complete the hike to the picnic area.

Scenery and Points of Interest

Humpback Rocks has amazing scenery and several points of interest along the trail. When you get to the top you’ll see an amazing panoramic views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding peaks, providing ample photo opportunities and moments of awe.

deer in the woods

The summit, and the iconic Humpback Rocks themselves offer a unique rock formation to explore and serve as a perfect spot for a scenic rest.

I did the loop on this day and just before getting to the summit, I came across the doe and a small snake hanging out on the rocks catching some sun.

When heading out onto the trails, be mindful of the wildlife and watch your step!

All in all this hike was about 4.2 miles long and I can tell you, even though I hike a few times a month, I felt the result from the uphill climb.

Have you gone to Humpback Rocks? What was your experience?

German by birth, living, hiking, and camping in the US. Addicted to Coffee. Enjoys going to concerts. Also, Artist + Author. I love to encourage you to explore beyond your backyard. 

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    One response to “The Humpback Rocks Trail”

    1. […] I love starting early on the trail, especially in hot weather. This helps you avoid the midday heat and gives you ample time to complete your hike. In addition, some trails are more popular than others, and the parking can be non-existent like for Humpback Rocks Trail. […]

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